St. Helena

St. Helena!

Table of Contents

Meet the team! Faith, Lola, Erik, and Johnny. First part is Faith, then Lola, then Erik, and finally Johnny.

Helena’s Relationship with Constantine

By Faith Vandenberg

Constantine, according to tradition, was greatly influenced by his mother Helena in his choice to convert to Christianity.

Although many legends are about his conversion that may or not be true, it is almost without question that Helena’s beliefs were a major factor in Constantine’s decision. Helena was greatly honored by Constantine. Constantine openly showed his love and deep appreciation for her in his reconstruction (renovating) of Helena’s hometown, Drepanum. He later renamed it “Helenopolis” (meaning City of Helen”) and gave Helena the title of Augusta. As you can see, dear reader, Constantine stayed true to his beloved mother and Helena in return loved him dearly as her only son. (FV)

Family Tree of Constantine

Legend of Constantine’s Conversion

Extra resources:

Family tree ver 2

St. Helena Background

Related imageIn AD 272, in a place called Naissusshe gave birth to her first and only son Constantine she gave birth to her first and only son Constantine Helena was born in Bithynia in Asia Minor around AD 248. Her name, in Latin, was Flavian Julia Helena.  She was born into a poor family and grew up in Rome’s lower class. There is only little known about Helena’s background.. Her son was always loyal to her and they had a strong relationship. Before she married the emperor Constantius, she was not so important, but a saint, known as Ambrose, was the first calling her a stable mind which meant that she got through life without struggling.It is also believed that city she was born in was called Depranum but after her death Constantine renamed the city to Helenopolis. (LM)


Accomplishments of St. Helena

When Constantine became ruler, Helena moved to Rome where she became a Christian. Throughout her life, she made many journeys to the Holy Land. During these pilgrimages, she found the Cross of Christ (the cross the Jesus was thought to be crucified on). She is patron of the archaeologists because of this discovery, even if it is greatly exaggerated St. Helena was considered a patron of archaeologists (A patron is one who, in the Catholic church, one is to pray to if that patron matches what you are. If you pray to the right patrons, your prayer is most likely to be answered.) (ER and FV)

Holy Land: A Brief Introduction

Holy Land Picture


The Church of the Nativity

Constantine and his mother Helena believed that this was the church where Christ was born. It was built circa 333. It was destroyed by fire in the 6th century (JZ).


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