Gothic Weapons of the Gothic Tribes

The Weapons and Formations of the Germanic Tribes

The Germanic tribes were also called the Teutonic peoples. They had a spear, which was the most common form of weapon among the peoples. They also had the two-headed axe, along with the sword (only for upper classmen). The spear was so common among the people because it they allowed a relatively small quantity of the rare and expensive metal for the part of the blade that needed it. It was cheap compared to the sword of equal reach.
Other weapons they had were the javelin, the sling, bows/arrows, and staff sling. The cost factor for bows and arrows was put into place mainly because of the cost of the arrows, not so much the bows, once again because of the price of metal.
The formation that they fought in were the wedge-shape formations. These formations most noticeably consisted of cavalry (on the flanks). The Germans were most afraid of the Plains of Hungary, where the Marcomanni, Saxons/Angles, Alamanni, and Franks all presided. (Abbi Baptist and Faith Vandenberg)
Sources: aurora


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