Germanic Culture

The Germanic people were good hunters who settled near the northern borders of Rome. Ancient Germanic people like to drink hard alcohol and they like to gamble. They are pastoralist; usually they take care of animals for using like food and money as well. They usually wore animal skins and owned slaves.  Germanic people were using cattle instead of using money, it is less advanced than  Rome or any other countries next to them. .They do not have amusement place like Colosseum, they were amused by listening old tales, heroes, and gods. When they go to war to fight, only chiefs were allowed to wear helmets. . It was dishonored for chief when his own group try to suppress him. Next to ancient Germanic people, it was Rome. Rome began to understand the German when Tacitus published his book in 98 AD. According to Tacitus, they often worshiped Nerthus, a goddess. They produced milk, cheese, and meat, main crops (root, wheat, vegetables)(Min Oh)

Spartacus Educational


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